SUONATI» the song by SAVINO ZABA to celebrate one hundred years of radio.
Available on all digital platforms «Cento suonati» is the song by radio,
television host and actor Savino Zaba. The song, a sort of declaration
of love for the medium, is a tribute to the radio, which this year celebrates
its first hundred years of life. The style is the one so dear to Zaba,
an up-tempo swing, easy to catch and with a catchy refrain. Production
is entrusted to the team of the record label T.S.A. Total Sounding Area
or: Antonio Deodati who played, took care of the arrangements and composed
the music with Unaderosa, who also wrote the lyrics together with Zaba
who embellished the choruses of the song with his voice. For the occasion,
there will also be a limited vinyl edition of the single «Cento suonati»
on the B-side of which will be recorded the version revisited by Renanera
of «Vento d'estate», performed by Unaderosa and Savino Zaba.
The publication of the song comes at the same time as that of the book
«Cent'anni di Compagnia» (Rai Libri), a text in which Zaba retraces a
century of programmes, voices and protagonists of Italian radio. The volume
features the preface (intro) by Renzo Arbore, the afterword (outro) by
Claudio Cecchetto and the QR-code is printed inside, with which it is
possible to listen to the song and watch the video clip.
The video clip, a short film with a cinematic flavour, is directed by
Francesco Colangelo, produced by Blue Film and tells a great love story:
the one between Zaba and the radio or the one between Zaba and a woman
(played by Francesca Testasecca, Miss Italia 2010 )? Surprise ending,
everything to discover... So, happy reading and happy listening... full
Artistic production by Antonio Deodati & Unaderosa
Arrangiaments and graphics Antonio Deodati
Recorded, miuxed and mastered by
Antonio Deodati @ T.S.A. Studio - Lagonegro (PZ)
Lyrics: Concetta De Rosa / Savino Zaba
Music: Concetta De Rosa / Antonio Deodati
Savino Zaba: lead and backing vocals
Unaderosa: backing vocals
Antonio Deodati: Keyboards, drum loops, synth bass, programming
Lyrics: Max Gazzè - Riccardo Sinigallia
Music: Max Gazzè
Publishing: EMI music Publishing Italia - L' Altra metà - Peer Music Italy
Sugarmusic - Universal Music Publishing Ricordi
Unaderosa: vocals
Savino Zaba: vocals
Antonio Deodati: keyboards, drum loops, synth bass, programming
Massimo Catalano: saz baglama, oud